Automotive Imagery and Animations
Automotive Imagery and Animations
Dear Sirs and Mesdames,

we are Mondlicht Studios from Germany and we want to express our gratitude for considering working with us. It would be a great pleasure for us to be involved this early in your production process and to create digital media for your needs.

We possess extensive knowledge in automotive cgi production with one of our CEOs having worked at Mercedes-Benz for over 10 years and having built a cgi and data preparation department inside the company. This enables us to easily understand what to focus on, what a possible target group wants to see and be convinced with as well as proposing ideas and solutions to visual production needs. Not only exterior and interior, but also technological and engineering features such as the spaceframe, drivetrain, safety, performance and the familiar highlights of a beautiful machine.

We are also aware of the importance of Intellectual Property and how to deal with covering up anything that might give away information and not reveal it to the competition - based on your briefing. That is aiming at design as well as technological features.

In the following, we want to share a presentation that we have put together for you to give you and idea of what we are able to produce. We'd love to have a chat with you and introduce ourselves in person and talk about your plans and ideas.
Thank you in advance and best regards from the Mondlicht Team.
Exterior on Location
Interior On Location
Exterior In Studio
Interior In Studio
X-Ray / Ghost Imagery
Technology Imagery
Information / Schematic Imagery
Exploded View Animations
VFX Animations
Explanatory Animations
Cinematic Animation